Change is in the Air

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About a month ago I started blogging about making small changes weekly in order to become a healthier person over time. And look who’s biting my style this week!

This article really did have a lot of great ideas for making small healthy changes, which is apparently backed by research (Who’s a genius!?).

In my own healthy news, this week I did part two of something I have been avoiding for years.


I slept in a tiny room while being filmed and monitored by a stranger…


and hooked up to wires. It was a blast!

When I started talking about sincerely trying to be healthy a few months ago, M made me promise to talk to my doctor about my ungodly sleeping habits. Apparently, I kick, talk, scream, go long periods without  breathing and snore like an old man with a cold. Sexy!

My doctor referred me to a sleep specialist who referred me to a sleep lab and I suffered through sleep study #1.

It. was. awful. The night started with a stranger gluing sensors to my head,legs and neck while making me engage in small talk. It then dragged on with my waking up every hour and laying uncomfortably still so as to not dislocate any of the 2,000 wires attached to me for eight hours.

A month later the sleep specialist informed me of the results.

I snore like an old man with a cold.

I am getting half of the deep sleep that I should be getting.

My limbs move more than they should while I’m asleep; and when they do it wakes me up.

I don’t have sleep apnea but might have a deviated septum.

I had to get a second study done to see if a cpap machine would help.

The second study was last night. And… the hills are alive with the sound of music! I haven’t felt this rested in… ever. I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be 98% more alert and productive than I have been for the past ten years. And all I need is air blown in my nose all night to get back to my old self! Now that I’ve found it I won’t let it go! Please, sleep specialist, please say I can have my very own CPAP!

I’ll keep you updated.



2 thoughts on “Change is in the Air

  1. Woweeeeee. I have never read an account of anyone getting wired up in a sleep lab before. (And having air blown on them all night making such a difference). Fascinating. As far as commenting on your site: where is your “about me” page and your subscribe button? And if you add “Blogging 101” to your categories, more of us will find you. Your blog is worth reading. All the best.

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